Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Scatter Plot Lesson - May 7, 2015

Hello dear students!

Today you will be completing a lesson done online and we will follow up afterward with something written in class. The first part of today's assignment is to go to the lesson website below and READ THE ENTIRE LESSON. We have not learned about scatter plots this year, so this will be something entirely new. I recommend keeping the lesson page open in one tab in your browser while you work the rest of the activities. 

Lesson: Scatter Plot Lesson

Next, you will need to follow the links below and complete the activity or quiz on each page.

1. Practice scatter plot quiz questions
2. Interactive scatter plot tool to change correlations

Finally, complete the worksheet you were given at the beginning of class. Once it is COMPLETE and has been TURNED IN, you may visit one of the following websites and play math games until the end of class. You MAY NOT go to any other website during this time.

Cool Math Games

Math-Play Games

Fun Brain Games

Math Playground Games