Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ratio WebQuest Math 6

5th and 6th Hour... Welcome to you Ratio WebQuest! Today you'll be exploring math topics online. This website is your "map" - come back here each time to find the links!

Start: http://mswhite2012.blogspot.com
First: Watch the video and answer questions 1 - 5

Stop #1: Link 1: Ratio Martian Game

Stop #2: Link 2: Ratio Coloring

Stop #3: Link 3: Dividing Fractions Basketball

Stop #4: Link 4: Ratio Stadium

Stop #5: Link 5: Dividing Fractions Quiz

Finished them all? This is the last link, to optional games, if you have completed all activities.

Link 6: Optional Games

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ratio Webquest Links: Pre-Algebra

1. 1st Stop - Ratio Video

Ratio Video

Be sure to answer all ten questions on your work-along!

2. Game Stop #1: Play one or two rounds for now (you might go back to it later!)

Recognizing Equivalent Ratios

3. Quiz Yourself - Again, make sure you're filling in your work page.

Ratios Quiz

4. Game Stop #2: Play 2 or more rounds of the game

Proportions Racing

5. CHALLENGE - Finished the top? Follow this link to challenging problems involving solving proportions... show your work on your paper!


If at any time you just need help with ratios, here are some links to help you. Just make sure that if you switch up and visit these sites, you must take notes/answer questions/fill out the "Challenge/Notes" Section of your paper or you will lose lots of points!

Kahn Academy videos - Ratios

Ratio Tutorial


Welcome to our class blog! From time to time I will post important information on here, we will use it in class, and it is one place where you can always access the links from the homework page.